Savitt Bruce & Willey LLP joins IR as the exclusive Commercial Litigation Member in Washington

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce James Savitt of Savitt Bruce & Willey LLP. James has joined IR as our exclusive Commercial Litigation Member in Washington.

We’re litigators and trial counsel.  We know that cases are won and lost on their “story”: who is right and who is wrong in the eyes of the judge and jury.  Our expertise is in developing and telling that story by drawing out the key facts, players, and themes, defining the legal framework in which they operate, and weaving them into a compelling narrative.  While our subject-matter expertise is both deep and broad, our record of success demonstrates our skill in crafting and presenting a winning argument.

Our skill as litigators informs every step along the way.  Understanding the facts requires not only an eye for detail but a strategy that identifies the right detail, combined with the tenacity to obtain and marshal complex facts and develop a record that completes the picture.  Defining the legal framework means not merely understanding what the law “is” but a creative process of identifying and describing the legal principles and authorities that—when applied to the facts of a particular case—lead to the just result for our clients.  Weaving these elements together effectively requires more than just proficiency with legal subject matter: it requires articulating clearly to a judge, arbitrator, or jury, who may have no familiarity with the subject matter or even the law, not only that our client should win but why. 

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with James directly or with the IR Global head office for an introduction.

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