Wage Subsidy, Resurgence Support Payments And Leave Support Scheme

As we are back at COVID 19 Level 4 for a minimum period of 7 days for Auckland and 3 days for the rest of the country, the wage subsidy, resurgence support payment and the leave support scheme are available.

Wages Subsidy (WS)

This is available when we move to COVID Alert Levels 3 and 4 for a period of seven days.

The WS Scheme provides wages support payments to employers where they incur or expect a 40% decrease in revenue as a result of the change in alert levels.

The subsidy has been increased from $585 per full-time employee to $600 per full-time employee and $350 per part-time employee to $359 per part-time employee.

Applications open via the MSD website on Friday 20 August 2021. The subsidy will be paid as a two week lump sum. The first payment by MSD will be available after three days.

Resurgence Payment (RSP)

As with previous COVID lockdowns, the RSP is available if businesses incur a loss of 30% decrease in revenue as a result of the change in alert levels.

There have been no changes to the payment amounts.

There is an initial lump sum of $1500 plus $400 per full-time equivalent employee. The support payment is up to a maximum of 50 full-time employees. Businesses that have more full-time employees can apply but there payment will be capped to a maximum of 50 employees.

Leave Support Scheme (LSS)

This LSS provides a two-week lump sum payment of either $585.80 per week for full-time workers, or $350 per week for part-time workers, who must self-isolate and cannot work from home.

If you need any help applying for any of the above subsidies or want to discuss any aspects of these, please call one of our Partners.

We are here to help.