Top Tips? Why share news with the group?

Dear Members, 

One question your Client Manager will frequently ask you is to send them news / updates from your firm to share with the group. You may ask why should I do this? or how do I do this? Which we are pleased to answer below:

Why share news with the group?

1) Sharing news will boost your profile within the group and will provoke fellow members to reach out to you to discuss further

2) Sharing updates from your firm and relevant developments keeps the group up to date with your practices and successes

3) We do select pieces of recent news to share on our weekly newsletter (such as this one) which goes not only to all members inboxes but also to our external subscribers – lots more exposure!

All of the above brings more attention to your profiles and drive more contact from fellow members which will lead to developing business relationships and potential referrals (inbound and/or outbound.)

How do I share news / updates?

1) Include your Client Manager in your newsletter subscription. This way all updates will be sent directly to their inboxes and will be shared.

2) Email your Client Manager – if you do not have a newsletter but do have updates to share, make sure to email them to your Client Manager

3) Add the news directly via your online member area (login required)

Other areas to share your news / updates:

1) Your own LinkedIn (personal)

2) Your firm’s LinkedIn Page

3) The IR Global LinkedIn members group: LINK HERE

For more information on news sharing via IR or if you require your login credentials to the members area, please email [email protected] or your Client Manager directly.