Pichard & Associés: Family Companies

As a family-owned firm, we understand the stakes at hand for family companies, both as regards legal, economic and tax aspects, as well as the underlying human relationships. This gives unique capacity to provide solutions adapted to our clients’ needs.

Our experience in this area has enabled us to conceive and set up a specific mode of transferring family interests. We have named it the “Family buyout®” and we have registered it as a trademark. The process combines a donation, a sale and an equity contribution. With increasing life expectancy, the owner of a company can no longer afford to simply transfer his shares free of consideration to the next generation. He needs to also sell part of his interest to be able to secure some capital.

An innovative legal tool, this technique is now widely recognised.

Reference quotes about the Family buy-out®:

“The Family buy-out® is the most modern mode of transferring a business. Though the concept is still recent, it is being generally acknowledged as being of great efficiency and multiple advantages” Practical deeds and estate strategies Actes pratiques et strategies patrimoniales – Les revues JurisClasseurs

“The Family buy-out® is an example of a successful combination of several civil law and tax techniques” – La Revue du Patrimoine

“The Family buy-out®, a specific mode of transferring family interests” – Option Finance/Option Droit & Affaires

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PICHARD et Associés chosen as the winner of the 2014 Corporate Intl Magazine Global Award:  ‘Family Owned ’.Awards 2014 - Logo