Competition law guides / Macedonia

ODI is proud to present our contributions to the latest edition of the Practical Law Competition Global Guide: Merger control in Macedonia 2019.

Our lawyers provide a comprehensive guide on the regulatory framework, regulatory authorities, relevant triggering events and thresholds. Also covered are notification requirements, procedures and timetables, publicity and confidentiality, third party rights, substantive tests, remedies, penalties, appeals, joint ventures and proposals for reform.

For information on restraints of trade, monopolies and abuses of market power in Macedonia, visit the Practical Law Competition Global Guide:  Restraints of trade and dominance in Macedonia 2019

Areas covered include monopolies and abuses of market power, regulatory authorities and the regulatory framework, the scope of rules, exemptions, exclusions, statutes of limitation, notification, investigations, penalties and enforcement, third party damages claims, EU law, joint ventures and proposals for reform.